Stephen Charnock 4

If conscience speak anything for a man’s comfort, that is not according to the word, it is to be silenced; if conscience presents us with anything as a grace, that will not hold water before God, it is to be rejected in that ease; bring it to the touch-stone to see if it, be current coin. As we are to try other men’s spirits, so our own, by this rule; it is a part of man’s sinful ambition to be his own judge, and so to make his own fancy his rule.
On Self-examnation

Stephen Charnock 3

Doct. Self-examination is a necessary duty, belonging to every one in the church, and requires much diligence in the performing of it.

Hence some observe, that when it is expressed that God created man in his own image, (Gen 1:27) In the image of God created he him - the word is Elohim, which is a name of God belonging to his judicial acts, which imply trial and examination; in the image of Elohim created he him, ie with a power of self-trial and self-judging. This self-examination is an exact and thorough search into a man’s self, an exquisite consideration in what posture he stands to God.

The word is the rule, a glass wherein we see God’s will;
and conscience is the examiner, that is, the glass wherein we see our lives and the motions of our hearts, and which, by the help of the word, doth dissect and open the soul to itself.
On Self-examination


Thomas Watson 05

Self-examination is the setting up a court in conscience and keeping a register there, that by strict scrutiny a man may know how things stand between God and his own soul. Self-examination is a spiritual inquisition; a bringing one's self to trial. A good Christian doth as it were begin the day of Judgment here in his own soul.
Heaven Taken by Storm


Matthew Henry 4

The best way to have a good night, is to keep a good conscience.
Commentary Daniel 6

Mark Twain

A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory.

John Bunyan 2

... if that light that every human receives were able, by our following it, to save us, then Christis needed not to have suffered, seeing all men had that light. If and that light that every man hath, which is conscience, were able to safely lead a man to justification by following it, that promise was made in vain by Jesus the Son of Mary, when he said, “I will send you (mark I will send you) the Spirit, and he shall lead you into all truth" for they had a light before. But it is evident, that that of was not sufficient, because they must have another sent them by Jesus Christ, and that must be the Spirit.

John Bunyan 1

Well, after many such longings in my mind, the God in whose hands are all our days and ways, did cast into my hand, one day, a book of Martin Luther; it was his comment on the Galatians - it also was so old that it was ready to fall piece from piece if I did but turn it over. Now I was pleased much that such an old book had fallen into my hands; the which, when I had but a little way perused, I found my condition, in his experience, so largely and profoundly handled, as if his book had been written out of my heart. This made me marvel; for thus thought I, This man could not know anything of the state of Christians now, but must needs write and speak the experience of former days.
Besides, he doth most gravely, also, in that book, debate of the rise of these temptations, namely, blasphemy, desperation, and the like; showing that the law of Moses as well as the devil, death, and hell hath a very great hand therein, the which, at first, was very strange to me; but considering and watching, I found it so indeed. But of particulars here I intend nothing; only this, methinks, I must let fall before all men, I do prefer this book of Martin Luther upon the Galatians, excepting the Holy Bible, before all the books that ever I have seen, as most fit for a wounded conscience. Grace Abounding


Joel Beeke 4

The Puritans, like the prophets of old, emphasise the gravity of sin. They laboured to expose it in its monstrosity, its heinousness, its power - to highlight its exceeding sinfulness. They probed the conscience with the instrument of the law in order to pierce the disease of sin with truth, to discern and expose it for what it is. They also made much of the grace of the gospel, the only sufficient remedy for sin.

Joel Beeke 3

In our busy and hurried lives we give little thought to the inner workings of conscience. What poor listeners we are to our consciences! We need to tune out all of the distracting noises around us and get alone in the presence of God regularly. We need to study God's word, yes, but we also need to study our hearts.

Joel Beeke 2

A tender conscience is precious in the sight of God. Easily pricked by the thorn of besetting sin, it spurs a person to keep short accounts with God. ... A tender conscience will keep you nearer to God, the fount of all joy and assurance.

Joel Beeke 1

Trusting in Christ as our righteousness, practicing daily self-examination, maintaining a tender conscience and repenting deeply of sin will help us to maintain clear conscience in the light of sin's exceeding sinfulness.

Thomas Watson 04

O the music of conscience! Conscience is turned into a paradise, and there a Christian sweetly solaces himself and plucks the flowers of joy.

Thomas Manton

They have a sense of the evil that is in the least sin. This is the difference between a tender conscience and a hard heart. One is afraid to offend God in the least matter, the other makes nothing of sin, and so runneth into mischief, Prov. xxviii. 14. Well, then, a man that hath a tender heart is loath to fall into the least sin, he is ever drawing to God to be kept from all sin. When we are earnest in this matter, it is a sign we are sensible what an evil sin is. Men that side with their own lusts and interests may wonder at the frequent requests of the Psalmist here for establishment and preservation from sin. But those that have a tender conscience are like the eye, soon offended, and make it their business to keep it from offence; they are thus solicitous and earnest with God to be upheld.
On Psalm 119

Richard Baxter 2

Christian Directory
Directions 4 and 7

Keep a tender conscience, which will not make light of sin. It is those that have seared their consciences by infidelity or a course of sinning, who dare venture with Judas or Gehazi for the prey, and dare oppress the poor and innocent, and feel not, nor fear, whilst they cast themselves on the revenge of God.

Keep a tender conscience, which will do its office, and not suffer you to sin without remorse..A seared, senseless conscience will permit you to lie and steal and deceive, and will make no great matter of it, till God awaken it by his grace or vengeance. Hence it is that servants can deceive their masters, or take that which is not allowed them, and buyers and sellers overreach one another, because they have not tender consciences to reprove them.


William Gurnall 6

Better have a dog that will, by his barking, tell us a thief is in our yard, than one that will keep silent, and let us be robbed before we have any notice of our danger.