Books on conscience

2017 The art of turning
Kevin DeYoung
2016 Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ
Naselli and Crowley
2012 Pure Joy: Rediscover your conscience
Christopher Ash
2010 The Conscience
Robert Solomon

1996 Honesty, Morality, and Conscience
Jerry White
1994 The vanishing conscience
John MacArthur
1989 Living With Your Conscience Without Going Crazy!
Dr Joel A Freeman
1984 Your conscience as your guide
Peter Toon
1983 Meet your conscience, Back to the Bible
Warren Wiersbe
1973 Let Conscience Speak
David Fountain
1972 Liberty of Conscience
John Van Til
1963 Church and State
J Marcellus Kik
1969 The Pauline use of Suneidesis
NT Studies
1969 Conscience and Responsibility
Eric Mount Jr
1968 The Christian Conscience
Philippe Delahaye
1961 Paul and Seneca
Jan Sevenster
1960 Contemporary Moral Theology
J C Ford and G Kelly
1963 Ethics in a Christian Context
P Lehmannn
1961 Conscience and its right to Freedom
Eric D'Arcy
1956 Christ and Conscience
N H G Robinson
1956 The Voice of Conscience
A M Rehwinkel
1950 Conscience
Ole Hallesby
1927 Conscience and its Problems
Kenneth E Kirk
1917 Conscience and Christ: Six lectures on Christian ethics
H Rashdall

1888 The Christian Conscience: A Contribution on Christian Ethics
W T Davison
1878 Unexplored remainders of Conscience With Preludes on Current Events
Joseph Cook
1838 Conscience considered chiefly in reference to moral and religious obligation
John King
1685 Heaven upon earth
James Durham
1640 The soul's looking glass
William Fenner
1639 Consciences with the power and cases thereof
William Ames
1630 Christian see to thy conscience
Richard Bernard
1626 The anatomy of conscience, or, The sum of Pauls regeneracy
Ephraim Huitt
1608 Whole treatise of the cases of conscience
William Perkins