The greater, and clearer the Light is, under, and against which Men continue in Sin, the more must the Consciences of such Sinners be supposed to be wasted, and violated by such a Way of sinning: For this is a sure Rule, that the greatest Violation of Conscience is the greatest Sin. Conscience is a noble, and tender Part of the Soul of Man, it is in the Soul, as the Eye in the Body, very sensible of the least Injury; and a Wound in the Conscience, is like a Blow in the Eye: But nothing gives a greater Blow to Conscience, nothing so much wastes it, and destroys it, as Sins against the Light do. This puts a plain Force upon the Conscience, and gives a dreadful Stab to that noble Power, God's Vicegerent in the Soul. And thus you see the first Thing made good, that Light puts deep Guilt, and Aggravation into Sin.
The Method of Grace